Items You'll Love...


Peruse our aviation t-shirt collection. While we designed these for women, many... 


Let’s face it, some of us aren’t morning birds. We need our... 

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  • Small girl at controls of helicopter. Shutterstock

    You Go Girl!

    At AviatrixA, we truly value our
    customers, both pilots, flight attendants, controllers, and other ladies in aviation, and those searching for a unique gift for them. We pride ourselves on stocking premium-quality print-on-demand products and aviation accessories you won't find all over the interwebs. We hope you'll share our products with the other aviatrixes in your life. Fly safe, keep the greasy side down, run those checklists, and don't forget to have fun!

  • Multiple glitter stickers with aircraft ratings and WWII-era planes

    FREE Sticker!

    We want to treat you to a FREE GLITTER STICKER when you pass a checkride, fly your first solo or pass your mechanic oral and practical test. We know how much studying and practice it takes to achieve a new rating, so click on through to learn why we do this!

    Get Your FREE Sticker 
  • Baby Aviator

    We designed our Baby Aviators collection with our aviation customers in mind – the pilots, flight attendants, controllers, aviation mechanics and dispatchers who are moms and dads to be – who want to share their love of the skies with baby and toddler. Featuring both cute and classy designs on clothing, bibs and nursery linens. Great for baby shower and birthday gifts too.

    Baby Aviator Collection