Jan 2022 Latest Solos - Andi & Jeanne

Andi Champion - Dec 7, 2021

Two female piots with a low wing plane

"KBAZ RWY 17. Weather was gorge A+ and perfect, no one else in the pattern until I took off for the first pattern then suddenly there were a series of six inbound from all different directions. Airspace got busy but handled the extra workload like a Champ"

And we think she did, just like her name!

Jeanne Hartranft - Aug 29, 2021

"I was so nervous because on my return to home base (joke with CFI) I started to get air sick. Gulf coast region of Texas, August, stifling humid heat and approaching noon. I initially was going to a straight in approach. I cheated the night before and worked the logistics. But I was too sick and too nervous so I just flew my routine entering the pattern at 1400’ at a 45 over I-45 and landed. Taxied up to the FBO and my instructor was jumping up and down tell me “that was awesome”!!! I politely said, "Thank you,"but I really need to sit down in some a/c with some water before I barf my guts out. We laugh now 😉✈️"

First solo nerves can happen to the best of us! Good job Jeanne!


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